reg_assoc() - A regular pattern substring extractor
mixed *reg_assoc(string str, string *pat_arr, mixed *tok_arr, void |
mixed def);
reg_assoc takes a string and explodes it into substrings matching the
regular expression pattern-strings given in pat_arr and associates them
with tokens given in tok_arr. If def (default 0) is given, it is asso‐
ciated with a non-match. The return value is an array of two arrays,
the 1st being an array of the form
({ non-match1, match1, non-match2, match2, ...,
non-match n, match n, non-match n+1 })
and the 2nd holds the tokens corresponding to the matches in order
({ def, token corresponding to match1, ...., def, token
corresponding to match n, def }).
pat_arr and tok_arr must be of the same sizes, the ith element in
tok_arr being the corresponding token to the ith element of pat_arr.
pat_arr can only hold strings.
If pat_arr (and hence tok_arr) has size 0 then the return value is sim‐
ply ({ ({ str }), ({ def }) }).
#define STRING_PAT "\"(\\\\.|[^\\\"])*\""
#define NUM_PAT "[0-9]+"
#define F_STRING 1
#define F_NUM 2
reg_assoc("Blah \"blah\" test 203 hhh j 308 \"bacdcd\b\"acb",
({ STRING_PAT, NUM_PAT }), ({ F_STRING, F_NUM }), "no-match")
will return
({ ({ "Blah ", "\"blah\"", " test ", "203", " hhh j ", "308", " ",
"\"bacdcd\b\"", "acb" }),
({ "no-match", F_STRING, "no-match", F_NUM, "no-match", F_NUM,
"no-match", F_STRING, "no-match" }) })