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sscanf() - match substrings in a string.


int sscanf( string input, string fmt, ... );


Parse a string 'input' using the string format 'fmt', which can contain
words separated by specifiers.  Every specifier corresponds to a match-
ing function argument passed into  sscanf()  after the string 'fmt', in
order of appearance and assigning the matched values By Reference.  The
number of specifiers included in 'fmt' should match the number of func-
tion arguments included after string 'fmt'.

    %s          -   match a string
    %d          -   match an integer
    %f          -   match a float
    %x          -   match a base 16 number and convert to base 10
    %(regexp)   -   match a regexp pattern

The "*" may be used in a specifier (e.g. "%*s") to skip over a match in
the input string and not assign it to a function argument.   A "%%" may
be used to match the "%" character,  which will also be skipped over in
the function arguments.

The LPC sscanf() is similar to its C counterpart however it does behave
somewhat differently.  It is not necessary or possible to pass the add-
ress of  variables into sscanf  (simply pass the name of the variable).

Another difference is that  in the LPC  sscanf(),  sscanf(str, "%s %s",
str1, str2)  will parse the  first word in  str into str1  and the rem-
ainder of str into str2.

The "%s" specifier can match an empty string, which can be an undesired
result.  sscanf(" ", "%s %s", str1, str2)  will return 2, with str1 and
str2 being assigned an "" empty string.


The number of matched specifiers is returned.

All matched specifiers are assigned  By Reference to function arguments
included after string 'fmt', in order of appearance.


Basic Usage:
    string what, who;
    if (sscanf(input, "give %s to %s", what, who) == 2)
        write("You give " + what + " to " + who + ".");
        write("Give what to who?");

    sscanf("give", "give %s to %s", what, who) == 0
    what == UNDEFINED && who == UNDEFINED

    sscanf("give item", "give %s to %s", what, who) == 1
    what == "item" && who == UNDEFINED

    sscanf("give item to name", "give %s to %s", what, who) == 2
    what == "item" && who == "name"

    int i;
    sscanf("123", "%d", i) == 1
    i == 123

    float f;
    sscanf("1.23", "%f", f) == 1
    f == 1.230000

    int b10;
    sscanf("ABC", "%x", b10) == 1
    b10 == 2748

    string str1, str2;
    sscanf("one two", "%([a-z]+) %([a-z]+)", str1, str2) == 2
    str1 == "one" && str2 == "two"


explode(3), pcre_extract(3), regexp(3), replace_string(3), strsrch(3)